Monday, July 11, 2011


If you're a dancer, you are probably familiar with the Ballerina Project: the hearts and souls of dancers captured on film by the talented NYC photographer Dane Shitagi.  If you have not heard of the BP please proceed immediately to Ballerina Project.  You can also become a fan on facebook.  His work brings up many emotions for me, one of which is envy.  I am so incredibly envious of the beautiful dancers he photographs but even more so of the composition of the photos.  Earlier this summer, I decided to bring the ballerina project to my hometown of Carbondale, IL and photograph some of my dancers.  I had to wait for all of the girls to be finished with school for the summer.  As a consequence, it was hot hot hot outside.  However, the day was a success and we managed to get some really great pictures.  Here are a few of my favorites...

Been Dazed & Confused For So Long It's Not True...

Wow! Where have I been.  Entirely too many things going on in my life.  I tend to pick up hobbies quickly and then abandon them.  Example 109:  this blog.  BUT, I am determined to keep it going when I can.

I have officially finished nursing school and all of my dance obligations.  I start my new career as a surgical nurse in one week and am terrified by all of the changes awaiting me.  The new job, moving in with the boyfriend, complete financial independence, plus the uncertainty of what will happen with my dance career.  Scary and oh so exciting!

How do you handle the stress of life-changing events in your lives? Would love to hear.

Every since my early days in college I've used the search tool StumpleUpon to find interesting websites, photographs, recipes and anything else.  This site caters to your passions, interests, likes and dislikes.  I have mine so tuned into my likes that almost every other picture that pops up is a ballerina.  LOVE!  Here are a few of my favorites that I've stumbledupon recently.

Amazingly wonderful.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The weather is finally getting warmer and all I want to do is nap in my hammock and play frisbee with the dog.  Unfortunately, I have 4 weeks left of nursing school, 5 weeks until recital and 7 weeks until the ballet.  OH DEAR!  I have listened to my wise father and managed to take one day at a time this entire year.  However, it seems like every important thing in my life is happening all at once.  Hopefully I can stay focused!  I think many people work better under pressure anyway. 

To add to the stress, I am looking for a house to rent in the fall.  My boyfriend finally decided to return to graduate school which means we will actually get to spend time together, a lot of time!  I knew that looking for housing would be time consuming.  I didn't realize it would be disappointing and a little depressing.  Oh well, as Andrew said "something will show itself in time."   Hope everyone out there has a productive week.  Remember, one day at a time : )

From my birthday last year.  Can't wait to spend more time with him <3

It Has Begun!

Giselle rehearsals officially began this weekend.  I think we only have 10 left until the professionals arrive (eeks!).  We started really, really late this year.  Somehow it will come together; it always does.  I'm really excited to be an assistant rehearsal director this year.  Working with the itty bitty girls is challenging but they are sooo adorable.  I'll be posting pictures of rehearsals soon.  Anyone else out there getting ready for a spring/summer show? 

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I stumbled upon art blogger Alice's page the other day and was so incredibly amazed at some photographs done by Cade Martin.

One of my favorite parts of many classical ballets is when the corps lines up along the sides of the stage.  So close to perfect.  This photo really captures that perfection, especially when the classical white romantic tutus are paired with the large circular balloons.

Another Cade Martin, titled Peter Pan.  Love the whimsical, minimalist feeling.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Queen of the Willies

I was a little sad when I first heard that we were performing Giselle for a summer ballet production, but then I remembered how much I love romantic style choreography :)  Many years ago, I performed excerpts from Giselle with some of the advanced dancers and I absolutely loved it, so an entire show should be even better, right?  How could you not love a ballet full of arabesque penchees?
If only....
I can't wait to see who comes to our small town to fill the principle roles.  I think my favorite couple to play Giselle and Albrecht were Makarova and Baryshnikov.  Pretty much the perfect pair for the ballet.   

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

La Esmeralda

I teach and take ballet classes at Willow Street Studios in Carbondale.  This year the advanced ballet class will be performing solo variations at the recital rather than a group piece.  Each of us was able to choose the variation we wanted to perform.  I would have been happy dancing practically anything, but one of my favorite variations has always been Esmeralda.  I think my obsession with gypsies contributed to my decision on the Esmeralda piece.  Plus, it's one that I've never danced before.  I've decided to dance this version:
Of course I could never dream of looking as amazing as Natalia Osipova, but I will work my hardest.  I'm really proud of the younger girls in the class and can't wait to see how their variations turn out.  

My next decision is the costume.  I hate and love choosing costumes for recital.  It was hard enough to choose something for my little girls and now I have to figure out what is appropriate and low cost.  I'm trying to piece together the Esmeralda costume rather than buying a pre-made piece from a catalog.  A few of the "Esmeralda" tutu sets online are decent looking but not exactly what I want.  Right now these are the items I'm looking at

Balera Tattered Tutu found at dancewearsolutions
The picture shows the black/red tutu but I would choose the black/purple/plum option.  I like the tattered look and the fact that it's more of a euro shape tutu (longer than a pancake).  On top I would wear something like this
Capezio Camisole found at Discount Dance Supply
Shown here is the burgundy camisole but I would choose the plum.  I like the idea of a simple leotard with clean lines.  I would probably sew a criss-crossing ribbon on the front of the leo to give it the village girl feel.  

Lots of decisions to be made.  Good thing I have a week off to sort things out!