Monday, July 11, 2011

Been Dazed & Confused For So Long It's Not True...

Wow! Where have I been.  Entirely too many things going on in my life.  I tend to pick up hobbies quickly and then abandon them.  Example 109:  this blog.  BUT, I am determined to keep it going when I can.

I have officially finished nursing school and all of my dance obligations.  I start my new career as a surgical nurse in one week and am terrified by all of the changes awaiting me.  The new job, moving in with the boyfriend, complete financial independence, plus the uncertainty of what will happen with my dance career.  Scary and oh so exciting!

How do you handle the stress of life-changing events in your lives? Would love to hear.

Every since my early days in college I've used the search tool StumpleUpon to find interesting websites, photographs, recipes and anything else.  This site caters to your passions, interests, likes and dislikes.  I have mine so tuned into my likes that almost every other picture that pops up is a ballerina.  LOVE!  Here are a few of my favorites that I've stumbledupon recently.

Amazingly wonderful.

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